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Cheetah Learning now has an accelerated PMP® exam prep program for as low as $1495. For more information about PMP Exam Prep, Corporate Discounts, and Installment Plans, call 888-659-2013 or email.


The purpose of this program is help you become PMI-ACP® certified and it is modeled after our very successful Cheetah Exam Prep® for the PMP® classroom course. We have designed a format that enables you to use the same techniques we use in class on your own, over a three week period. To start the actual PMI-ACP Exam Prep course, you must complete a Pre-Course  that includes registering and being accepted to take PMI’s PMI-ACP certification exam and schedule your PMI-ACP within seven days of completing the Cheetah PMI-ACP Exam Prep course. This is a course to help you become PMI-ACP certified and is designed to push you to complete the work and take the exam. You are given all the tools to prepare for the exam, including access to our world class PMI-ACP coaches for four weeks (one week for Pre-Course and three weeks for the PMI-ACP Exam Prep course online). You have to determine when to set aside the 10 to 12 hours of study time per week so you can successfully pass the exam after completing the this program.

Program Details

  • Credits – 48 Cheetah Spots/Education Credits
  • Tuition – $3195 USD
  • Start Date – This is an online PM training course that you can start the Pre-Course as soon as your payment is processed.
  • Course Material – In order to complete the second course in series, Cheetah Exam Prep® for the PMI-ACP® (3-week) Online Course activities, you will need to have the items listed below. All other material to complete the Cheetah PMI-ACP® Exam Prep Program activities are delivered online, including exams.
    • Colored index cards. 30 each of the following colors: green, blue, yellow, orange, red, and purple; OR, if you are unable to find index cards in the suggested colors, you can use colored paper folded and cut resulting in four cards per piece of paper.
    • Colored markers to match the colored cards (green, blue, yellow, orange, red, purple).
    • Sugar-free mints
    • Timer
    • Printer

What You’ll Learn

This online PM training course includes activities specifically designed to help you learn and remember key information that you will need to successfully pass PMI-ACP® certification exam and become an agile certified practitioner.

Topics covered include:
  • Relaxed Focus & Rapid Synthesis Techniques
  • Agile Principles and Mindset
  • Value-Driven Delivery
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Boosting Team Performance
  • Adaptive Planning
  • Problem Detection and Resolution
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Test-Taking Techniques

Our Learning Objectives are for each student to:

  • Pass the Project Management Institute -Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP®) certification exam.
  • Make the best use of your study time to be successful with passing the PMI-ACP® exam.
  • Be able to use the tools and techniques you learned while studying for the agile methodology certification exam to improve your abilities to learn and to do Project Management.

The Instructors

Cheetah PMI-ACP® Exam Coaches have extensive real-world experience in Project Management and agile methodologies. They all have experienced the accelerated way to pass the PMI-ACP® exam and are experts in coaching people to success using this approach.


In order to start the PMI-ACP® Exam Prep 3-week online course, you must complete the Pre-Course work in one week, which includes applying for PMI’s PMI-ACP® exam. Upon acceptance, you are required to schedule your exam three weeks out so that you take the exam as soon as you complete the PMI-ACP® Exam Prep 3-Week Online Course. This means you have to receive your eligibility letter from PMI and schedule your exam before you can start your PMI-ACP® Exam Prep 3-Week Online Course. Our guarantee that you will pass the PMI-ACP® exam is valid only if you: complete the Pre-Course work in one week, have your PMI® eligibility letter to sit for the exam, schedule your exam within one week of completing the 3-week Exam Prep Online Course, and complete all the activities in the PMI-ACP® Exam Prep 3-Week Online course in 3 weeks. We do this because our approach significantly improves people’s ability to become PMI-ACP® certified. If you do not pass the PMI-ACP® exam, your online coach will create a personalized coaching program to help you shore up your weak areas and will guide you through the process of rescheduling your exam. You must take the second exam within 30 days of the first exam. If you need to test for a 3rd time, you must take the test within 30 days of the second exam if you wish our coach to continue supporting you in this effort.


Are Cheetah Learning and PMI® related?

No, PMI® and Cheetah Learning are separate organizations. Cheetah Learning provides the PMI-ACP® exam prep course, but PMI® provides the test.

Do you have references?

You can review testimonials, check out our client list, and if you’d like, a number of our students and in-house clients would be happy to talk about their experience with our approach.

Can I pay in installments?

We are evaluating several financial institutions who may handle the financing aspects of installment payments. At this time, people who require an installment approach need to charge the course to their credit cards or get financing through their financial institution.

Most people who take this course can write it off on their taxes, charge a higher hourly rate for their services, command a higher salary if they are employed, or find a job easier if they are unemployed. It’s a safe bet that charging this course will provide a very fast return on investment. This is not the same as charging a “depreciating asset” such as Christmas gifts or a vacation.

What is your guarantee?

We guarantee that you will pass the PMI-ACP® exam after participating in our online accelerated PMI-ACP® exam preparation program.

You must complete all the course work AND take the exam within 7 calendar days of completing the final exam of the course.

If you do not pass the PMI-ACP® exam, your online coach will create a personalized coaching program to help you shore up your weak areas and will guide you through the process of rescheduling your exam. You must take the second exam within 30 days of the first exam. If you need to test for a 3rd time, you must take the test within 30 days of the second exam, if you wish your coach to continue supporting you in this effort.