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  • High Performing Business – Strategy – Commitment

    Michelle LaBrosse, CCPM, PMP, PMI-ACP, RYT

    Cheetah's Project Turnaround students master how to align their commitments with their calling. The strategies that emerge from this breakthrough create enduring success.

    Cheetah’s Project Turnaround students master how to align their commitments with their calling. The strategies that emerge from this breakthrough create enduring success.

    The psyche craves consistency which is why commitment is such a favorable construct.  Yet commitment to a strategy that is not adaptable to changing market realities requires a reread of the book “Who Moved my Cheese.”

    The question I routinely ask myself is – if I were making this decision today, would I still be doing things this way?  Does this strategy still make sense now?  I’ve dropped way more strategies than I’ve kept through my 30 years of business ownership.  The longest running strategy is with Cheetah Learning where we help people master the skills to quickly achieve their goals with our special blend of accelerated learning and project management. We teach the foundation of this while helping people become Certifed Project Managers – whether it be to pass the Project Management Institute’s PMP exam after a four day accelerated prep or to fully leverage their’s and others innate talents by becoming a Cheetah Certified Project Manager.

    When I look at this through the lens of would I make this same decision today – the answer is a strong yes.  My calling, purpose in life, what gets me jumping out of bed, working long into the night, moving mountains and leaping tall buildings in a single bound is to help people joyfully and skillfully pursue their dreams. The accelerated learning techniques we adapted to teach project management literally rewires the brain so it becomes much easier for people to joyfully and skillfully pursue their dreams.

    Every single course we design at Cheetah Learning incorporates these accelerated learning methodologies within a project management framework so people quickly achieve whatever it is they set out to achieve. This is our core strategy.  So while we teach this at the meta level with helping people become Certified Project Managers, we also embed it into the very fabric of our other programs – whether it’s to learn how to grow your own food year round in Project Micro Greens, to adoptimg practices to live a happier life in the Happiness Project, to even something as common as throwing a better holiday party as in our course PM of Parties.

    A solid strategy aligned with your calling transcends market variability – students who take Cheetah’s 40 hour online class Project Turnaround  master how to align their commitments with their calling. The strategies that emerge from this breakthrough create enduring success.

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