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  • PSA on Self-Care for Reducing the Impact of Viruses (including Covid-19)

    It’s time to create your Self-Care Plan for Covid-19 – Boost Your Immune System and Become Resilient

    Let’s flatten the curve even more by implementing some basic self-care.  I’m putting on my “Dr. Mom” hat today for some motherly advice on how to take care of yourself in the age of Covid-19.  These self-care techniques can be done with regular items most of us have in our homes or can easily find at the local grocery store.

    Basic Daily Self Care to Boost Your Immune System* 

    1. Whenever you’re around others – use Sani-Sniffer – it kills virus’ in your nose.  While you’d like to think most people are honest when they say they have been vaccinated, the truth is you never know, plus they could still transmit virus’ that can make you very ill if you get a high enough viral load.
    2. Use Stay Healthy Steam to relieve or prevent any respiratory congestion, sniffles, scratchy throat.
    3. Get your rest – now is not the time to binge-watch Netflix until 2 AM, do drinking zoom parties with friends, etc.
    4. Get some exercise – it stimulates your immune system.  Do dance parties with your friends on zoom, go out biking, hiking, running, gentle stretching.  Get outside in the sun where the air is fresh, and move.  Make this a priority right now.
    5. Wash your hands frequently, especially before and after you run to the store for a quick errand.
    6. If you have touched your earbuds, a blue tooth, phone, earplugs, ear protection, or hearing aids when around others – sanitize those too before putting them to your ears again.  In the event you did not follow sanitizing procedures before putting anything back in your ear or to your ears,  you can put hydrogen peroxide in your ears to kill the virus.  It’s not known how long the virus can live in ear wax.
    7. Follow a standard daily hygiene ritual even if you are stuck at home – get up, shower, get dressed for the day.  A friend’s Dad was a prisoner of war in WWII. His CO realized to keep morale high, the men under his command needed to follow their daily rituals to take care of their basic hygiene every day.  Keep your own morale high – it strengthens your immune system.
    8. Stay away from others – yes this works. Being around others for 10 – 15 minutes or more who may not know they are infected exposes you to a larger viral load that makes it harder for your body to fight off this infection if your immune system is not as strong or resilient as it could be. Taking care of the essentials – going to the grocery store and maintaining social distance may expose you to a little viral load –  your body can learn, adapt, and become resilient to this virus at that lower viral load level.
    9. Take a good multi-vitamin, a tablespoon of Cod Liver Oil (Vitamins A and D),  Vitamin C (1000 IU), Zinc, and Lugols Iodine 6 drops per day in a glass of water.   This is very helpful to boost your immune system for this and other similar viruses.
    10. Pay attention to your food choices.  Eat your greens, raw fermented veggies (boosts your microbiome), and high vitamin C fruits and veggies.  Aim to eat “right” 80% of the time with a focus on savoring and enjoying mealtime.  Avoid sugar, refined carbohydrates (pastries, cake, white bread etc.).   When at all possible, eat locally raised foods where they use minimal pesticides (many foods contain glyphosates that destroy gut bacteria.).  Educate yourself on where your food originates and how it is processed.
    11. Drink enough water – about 4 ounces every hour suffices.  Add in some lemon and a little salt for more of a boost.
    12. Gargle several times a day with warm water, salt and baking soda – the baking soda can help break up any mucous. Especially helpful if you have post nasal drip from allergies.
    13. Don’t smoke or vape ANYTHING.  You need your lungs in tip-top shape right now.
    14. Meditate by focusing on your breath – breathe in deep for a count of four, hold it for four, exhale for four, hold it for four. Do this at least ten minutes at a time several times a day.  It will calm your mind and help your ability to breathe deeply.
    15. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude and a way of being that brings value to others and meaning/personal fulfillment to you.  Set and meet small daily goals aligned with achieving your larger personal vision of how you would prefer your world to be.  Remember, your thoughts become your actions developing habits that create your reality.  Consider keeping a daily journal recording that for which you are grateful, your accomplishments of the day, thoughts, and feelings.
    16. This report shows that using a .5% nasal solution of medical grade iodine kills the Coronavirus within 15 seconds – There is a new study out that shows a .5% iodine solution can kill Covid in 15 seconds when it’s in your nose – https://jamanetwork.com/…/jamaotola…/fullarticle/2770785

    Feeling a Scratchy Throat?

    Go after any symptoms fast with an overkill of abundance.  Do not wait until your symptoms get more severe.  Hit this hard at the stage of I have a “tickle in my throat.”  If you never get more sick – AWESOME.   I’ve read 20 stories or more from people who got really sick from Covid-19.  From what I can tell, few if any of them, did these very common and easy “Dr. Mom” self-care things.  (I’m not saying these can cure Covid-19)  What I’m saying is the people getting really sick don’t seem to be doing any of these very basic self-care things.  Actually some of the things they do seem to make it far worse (like drinking sugary sports drinks and taking tylenol or ibuprofen).  These self-care suggestions are not a replacement for social distancing – that is the first order of business – avoid extreme exposure.  Now is not the time to ignore that scratchy sore throat thinking you can just suck it up and soldier on.

    At the first sign of a scratchy, tickle in your throat, or really any symptoms of COVID-19 (sore throat, headache, cough, achiness, sweats/chills, fever), implement the second line of Dr. Mom’s Self-Care.  Do these for a week and then if/when any more symptoms appear, do it again for another week.  Do not wait for a diagnosis to start taking care of yourself.  The healthcare system does not want people who have mild symptoms to take up their time and PPE resources.  Even if you can’t get an appointment or a diagnosis,  make the effort to do all these self-care techniques, with or without definitive proof of what it is you have.  You’re going all out here to make sure you stay healthy.  You do not need anyone’s permission to take care of yourself.

    1. Gargle with warm water, baking soda and salt every other hour – this is soothing and helps break up mucous – something that becomes a HUGE problem as it hardens in your lungs.  Drinking warm liquids (teas, broths, etc) is comforting but does not replace doing the gargle.  Avoid sugary lozenges as they can create yeast infections in your throat and make it feel like there are razor blades in there.  This gargle creates a healthy environment in your throat and relieves throat pain.
    2. This one is important to keep this virus from taking hold in your lungs and to get relief from a cough. Even if you don’t have a cough do this.  Every four hours as a minimum (or more frequently if you need relief from a persistent cough), put a small pot of water on the stove with 4 cups water, one crushed garlic clove, 1/2 tsp of oregano and 1 tbs baking soda in it, heat it up to boiling.  Pull it off the stove and put it on a hot plate.  Put a towel over your head and make a tent with the steam.  Close your eyes and keep your face about 8 inches from the water. Breath it in deep into your nose and lungs – the warm steam will keep your airways open and help relieve any congestion.  The heat can kill viruses.  Garlic and oregano are also great antivirals.  The baking soda helps break up mucous.  Hardened and thick mucous in your lungs can create breathing problems.  I call this the “pizza tent” as the garlic and oregano smells like you’re inhaling a pizza.  Any time you have a dry hacking cough, add more water and reheat your garlic/oregano/baking soda water to boiling and do the “pizza tent” treatment.  A nebulizer is a much more high tech way of doing this.
    3. If you get a fever of 102 degrees or less, let it run its course.  Do not try to reign it in.  Your body is doing its job.  Do not take ibuprofen or Tylenol.   Here is the Mayo Clinic’s guidelines for treating a fever – https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/fever/in-depth/fever/art-20050997
    4. Get in a hot tub with Epsom salts.  Do this twice a day until you’re feeling better. The Epsom salts quickly get magnesium into your muscles that helps your immune system.  Raising your body temperature in the hot bath can help reduce the severity of viruses. The Mayo Clinic recommends three cups of Epsom Salts in your bath. For more information  – visit – https://www.epsomsaltcouncil.org/health/treat-cold-flu-with-epsom-salt/
    5. Do some gentle stretching – ending with your legs up the wall – this helps activate your lymphatic symptom that helps your body fight off viruses.  Do your meditative breathing mentioned in the basic self-care. More oxygen is good for self-care.
    6. Make yourself a big pot of chicken bone broth.  This age-old cure works by reducing inflammation in your respiratory system – https://www.unmc.edu/publicrelations/media/press-kits/chicken-soup/.  We like the recipe on Alaska Spice Shop – https://alaskaspiceshop.com/recipes.  Drink several warm/hot cups of the broth a day – a little squeeze of lemon and salt make this a delicious treat.  Chicken bone broth helps your liver do its job of removing toxins from your body and works with your lymphatic system to help you pee and sweat out the toxicity created from your body’s assault on a virus or infection.
    7. Sit in the sun and get some fresh air.  You need to keep the air flowing around you.  Sitting in the sun activates your vitamin D – an immune booster that helps your body fight off viruses.
    8. Short walks can help boost your immune system and you’ll feel better.
    9. Avoid eating any sugar (this includes alcohol).  Sugar makes your body have to work harder when it’s already taxed fighting off whatever bug you have.
    10. If you have stomach upset, make sure you stay hydrated.  Make a tea with ginger root.  We like the Mother’s Magic Cure tea from Alaska Spice Shop for mild stomach upset.
    11. Avoid sugary sports drinks like Gatorade.  Stay hydrated by drinking warm water with a little sea salt and lemons for the electrolyte boost.
    12. Stay away from other people – who knows what you have (or what they have) and you don’t want to be exposing yourself to their germs when you’re not feeling well or exposing them to your germs since with limited testing there is no way to really know what you have – especially if it’s mild.  Why wait until you are at death’s door to find out what you have – kick it to the curb early.

    More Advanced Immune Boosters

    I took care of my Mother when she had brain cancer and learned about more immune-boosting remedies.  The above remedies work great but I also learned more aggressive “Dr. Mom” immune boosters I now do especially when I’m traveling and teaching to keep myself from catching anything flying around (and reduce my risks of getting cancer).

    1. My Community Medicinal mushrooms (this is the brand name) – these are super immune-boosting and proven anti-virals – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6044372/
    2. Elderberry cough syrup and lozenges have been clinically shown to reduce the severity of cold and flu viruses – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11399518.
    3. Boost the gut’s immune-boosting microbiome by eating fermented veggies (sauerkraut or kimchi you get in the refrigerator case in the deli) to flood your system with pro-biotics.  https://cen.acs.org/biological-chemistry/microbiome/Sauerkraut-bacteria-signal-immune-system/97/i21.


    Be safe and Stay Well

    Michelle LaBrosse


    1. CHARLES T YATES says:


      Great info

    2. CHARLES T YATES says:

      Great info.

    3. Dr. Mom, you are the best! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71CFD1ak1xg

      This song brings tears to my eyes. Makes all the pictures look blurry.

      Seriously, I will send your Dr. Mom advice to my daughter. She has to go to court twice a week and sit with clients! No fear!!

    4. This came in from a friend who wanted me to share: I saw your post on facebook and wanted to respond but I am way too introverted and too much of an empath to share a lot of things on facebook so I thought I would send you my experience and you can feel free to share what you want just please say it was sent to you by a friend. I hope you are doing well. Where are you?
      I traveled to Juneau for work on March 8th. I was there for work when I noticed my first COVID symptom. Prior to my first symptom I was taking vitamin C, Vitamin D, oil of oregano via pill, garlic via pill form. I wish I was taking Zinc but did not have any and it was all sold out in Juneau. Here is how it all went down. I am convinced non western medicine treatment kept me out of the hospital. I wish I had started all the remedies I ended up doing by day 13 at the onset of my symptoms. My husband, started taking high dosages of zinc prior to me returning from Juneau. He ended up with symptoms but way less severe- when it came to having breathing difficulties.
      The virus hit like a truck the first night- I woke up- my clothes drenched in sweat from head to toe. I was supposed to get my period in the next couple of days so I wrote it off- staying in a place with different temp then I am used to and my period coming on. However, I did think it was odd that my legs were also very sweaty and my pants soaked. Night one, two and three I had these night sweats. Night three I had crazy dreams- this is when I started to realize that maybe I was actually infected with a virus. I did not take my temperature. I didn’t have one.
      I tried to get tested early on once I returned home but did not meet the strict testing criteria at that point. I was tested for flu and it came back negative. I was told to return home and assume I have COVID-19 and stay home until symptoms are gone.
      Day 1-3 I had slight body chills, and a terrible headache. However, I was working and was having some pretty high performing meetings with high profile people and I wrote the headaches and chills off to a stress response, dehydration, and getting my period. Unfortunately I was too consumed with my work to really think about what was happening. I took Ibuprofen for the first three days and regret it after reading that this could make matter worse. If I thought I had COVID I would have never taken Ibuprofen. Maybe it made it worse, maybe not.
      Day 4: I woke up with a sore throat and a slight dry cough every so often. I remember thinking- do I have COVID-19. No way. I was so careful in Juneau and it wasn’t in Juneau yet. Hahahaha. I returned home from my work trip on March 13 and went into self isolation with my family. We stayed in self isolation for the next 22 days.
      Day 4 ended with intense body aches in my upper back like I had been kicked by a donkey- not normal, usually I get body aches but in my lowerback when I have a virus- a pressure in my chest like I have never experienced, and I was starting to feel really tired.
      Home remedy: Vitamin C, D, Zinc, Oil of oregano and garlic pills
      Day 5-6: I only got out of bed to go sit on my porch in the sun. Dry cough, really bad headaches, extreme fatigue, body chills, body aches, chest pressure
      Home remedy: Vitamin C, D, Zinc, Oil of oregano and garlic pills. My peppermint essential oil showed up. this was an so wonderful. I have never used it but I read it was really good for lungs. I diluted with coconut oil and rubbed on my back and chest. It was incredible. A warmth came into my back and chest that was so comforting and the aromatherapy was fantastic! I would alternate between rubbing peppermint oil and oregano oil on my chest.
      Day 6-11: I could get out of bed and go on very slow walks with by toddler. I was coughing up thick white phlegm and also dry coughing but it was not horrible. The upper back pain had dissipated. The chills were gone. the fatigue was unbelievable, the headaches were a dull throb instead of an ax to the head, the pressure in my chest was still there and I started to notice that breathing just didn’t seem to work as well as it had in past. However, I was certain I was getting better and turning a corner.
      Home remedy: Vitamin C, D, Zinc, Oil of oregano and garlic pills. peppermint essential diluted with coconut oil and rubbed on my back
      Day 12-15: I started realizing my breathing was not getting any better and I had a few really scary breathing experiences mainly at night. It was like I was breathing through a cocktail straw and at the end of each breath the straw would get clogged. I was coughing up thick white phlegm and also dry coughing but it was not horrible. Everything else had dissipated but the breathing, dull headaches, fatigue. I started getting worried my breathing was not getting better I finally dug out my “Healing With Whole Foods” book and read about lungs. I added crucial components to my care based on book suggestions. I wish I had started this way earlier
      Home remedy:
      New additions I should have done when I FIRST realized I was sick!!!!!!
      – started eating raw garlic and stopped taking the garlic pill
      – started drinking a copious amount of ginger tea directly from ginger root
      – I gave up facebook, news, social media, movies, TV and downloaded a meditation app. I started meditating every day. I only focused on healing and did not allow the crazy shit show happening around the world into my realm. It was almost impossible to stop the internal dialog but the meditation app sent me reminders and would pull me out of the COVID trance. If I let it in I knew in my heart it would prolong my recovery.
      – Drinking chaga every morning- thank goodness for a friend who had some and was willing to share.
      – AND probably the MOST important addition: Instead of using oil of oregano on my body I started doing aromatherapy. Breathing in steam with oil of oregano I am convinced helped my LUNGS more than anything else.
      – Vitamin C, Zinc, Calm, peppermint essential oil diluted with coconut oil and rubbed on my back and chest.
      -SLEEP- I gave up TV and movies so I would not stay up watching tv instead of sleeping. Sleeping was key to recovery.
      Day 16-18: I started to improve a lot. All symptoms gone but fatigue (mild in comparison. still napping 2hrs every day and sleeping 8-9hrs a night). breathing was finally starting to get easier!!
      – eating raw garlic
      – drinking a copious amount of ginger tea directly from ginger root
      – I gave up facebook, news, social media, movies, TV and downloaded a meditation app. I started meditating every day. I only focused on healing and did not allow the crazy shit show happening around the world into my realm. If I let it in I knew in my heart it would prolong my recovery.
      – Drinking chaga every morning- thank goodness for a friend who had some and was willing to share.
      – AND probably the MOST important addition: Instead of using oil of oregano on my body I started doing aromatherapy. Breathing in steam with oil of oregano I am convinced helped my LUNGS more than anything else.
      – Vitamin C, Zinc, Calm, peppermint essential oil diluted with coconut oil and rubbed on my back and chest.
      -SLEEP- I gave up TV and movies so I would not stay up watching tv instead of sleeping. Sleeping was key to recovery.
      Day 18: because I still had fatigue and some mild breathing restrictions the clinic brought me to do a lung xray. They did run a COVID-19 test. the lung xray showed pockets but no pneumonia pattern clearly associated with COVID. The test came back negative. It is likely since it was day 18 and I was so much improved that the test would not come back positive but they wanted to rule everything out.
      The nurses gave me an inhaler on day 18 and I used it twice a day for the next two days, included with my list of home care. By day 21 my symptoms were gone, including fatigue. I think the inhaler definitely helped but was not necessary.
      It is day 23. each day for the past three days I have cried. Tears of joy, delight and so much fucking gratitude for my breath. I have never had a restriction to my breathing. I have taken breathing for granted. COVID-19 reminded me to never ever take breathing for granted.
      Like I said, my partner got it too but his symptoms were not as bad. He had a sore throat, chills, body aches, pressure in his chest and fatigue. He never had trouble breathing. He took a lot of zinc prior and after getting exposed to me. I believe this helped him. He also did not take any Ibuprofen. I think this helped too. We did not take any over the counter medications
      Anyway, this is long, not sure if it is what you were looking for!

    5. Marilyn says:

      Hi Michelle, these are some really good information .The older generation have been telling us the same thing.
      Stay safe!!!

    6. Charlene Draine says:

      Thank “moma Cheetah”!!
      Here is a bit more to add: The pH for corona virus varies from 5.5 to 8.5.
      All we need to do to beat corona virus, we need to take more of an alkaline foods that are above the above pH level of the Virus.
      Some of which are:
      *Lemon – 9.9pH*
      *Lime – 8.2pH*
      *Avocado – 15.6pH*
      *Garlic – 13.2pH*
      *Mango – 8.7pH*
      *Tangerine – 8.5pH*
      *Pineapple – 12.7pH*
      *Dandelion – 22.7pH*
      *Orange – 9.2pH*
      How do you know you have coronavirus?
      1. *Itching in the throat,*
      2. *Dry throat,*
      3. *Dry cough.*
      4. High temperature
      5. Shortness of breath
      So where you notice these things quickly take warm water with lemon and drink.
      Do not keep this information to yourself only. Pass it to all your family and friends.

    7. Rob E says:

      Very insightful on how we can all stay proactive during these trying times.

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